Application of Leadership Theories to Case Study
Table of Contents
Operating a business in a proper manner is not an easy thing. It involves several people with specific responsibilities. The leaders and managers are responsible to control, lead as well as manage the employees in the organization. However, therefore it is highly required to allot the responsibilities and duties properly to all the people. Other than that, confusion may occur in the organization and it may lead a substandard productivity. From a small organization to a large corporate house, they have to face several challenges every day. Being proceeded in the path and resolving the issues are the key strategies to make a successful organization.
This assignment has focused on the organizational problem and its solution. The learner has been asked to go through the given case scenario based on which the overall assignment needs to be composed. It has mentioned about a business organization namely Ilford-on-Sea Limited where a person has joined as the managing director of the company, nut the person was not much sure about his role as he should be performed as a leader or a manager. Therefore, it has created turmoil in the organizations. Even, the employees also do not want to take the pressure. Now, this assignment would analyse the reason of the problem and the reason of it. Overall assignment has been divided into four parts. Each of them have discussed on organizational and operational issues.
Task 1 – Based on the above scenario, what is the major problem facing Ilford-on-Sea in terms of differentiating the role of a leader and the function of a manager
P1 Define and compare the different roles and characteristics of a leader and a manager.
Leadership setting a new course on vision for a group that they fallow a leader is the spear had for that new direction. A leader steps up in times of crisis, and is able to think and act creatively in difficult situations. Nahavandi, A., 2016.
In the Ilford-on-Sea company it was the leader job to set out the course of vision and inspire workers to follow it in order to complete work successfully.
Managers is responsible for employee, this role includes: training motivating and disciplining employees. Individualwho oversees a certain staff of tasks, or a certain subset of a company. A manager often has a staff of people who report to him or her. Within Ilford-on-Sea company the manager job was to supervise work in all different sites and collaborate with workforce in order for the contract to run smoothly.
Management function:
Planning is being considered as in of the main function that can operate the whole organization in a systematic way. In case of the given organization, it has been identified that lack of proper planning is the basic reason of such turmoil. Appropriate planning should include the knowledge regarding the resources of company. It was again missed in the given company.
Apart from that, organizing is another element that helps a company for maintaining a systematic operation. Zhang (2017) has stated that an organized leadership function can control the entire system as well as structure of the company. This organizational structure seems to be the foundation of that organization without which everyday function of the company cannot be operated properly. It involves proper allocation of tasks as well as responsibilities among the employees as per their roles and designations. Besides that, staffing is another factor which is being considered as a primary element for the base of the organization. IGP and CA (2016) have opined that staffing is such a responsibility that is concerned about to recruit right candidates as the employees of the organization.
Berg (2016) has added that staffing is not only about to recruit or hire the employees; it also deals with the scope of proper training and development of the newly hired employees. Even, performance appraisal, transfer and promotions all would be included in this factor. For instance, for an effective staffing in Ilford-on-Sea, it is more required to arrange training sessions for the employees. As the company is facing a big turmoil within the company, therefore the existing employees should also be provided to them. Rebelo et al. (2017) have discussed that a coordinating functions of leadership control the entire planning, staffing and organizing activities of a business organization.
According to Uslu (2017), controlling seems to be another factor that is being considered under the functionalities of manager. Controlling of the management function is needed to ensure that other functions and activities of the company are operating perfectly and fruitfully. Hence, it should be better to implement a controlling team in the given organization. In an overall concept it can be said that this organization needs to reframe their operational strategies as well as organizational tactics.
Figure 1: Five major functions of Managers
(Source: Howells et al. 2017)
Model the way is one of the main roles of leadership. It means that the leader is modelling way of actions for his followers. Inside Ilford-on -Sea company the leader should model behaviour and set the company values. An example of modelling the way would be respect each other, when the leader speaks to his followers with respect, that kind of behaviour would be followed.
Enlist others is another role of the leadership that translates into leader showing passion and commitment for the company, he inspires his followers to trust core values and principles modelled by him/her as their leader and inspires followers to believe that everyone has their role in the company function and their voices are heard.
Ilford-on Sea company could have enlisted others by speaking with passion about his vision, sharing vision when communicating with workers, make everyone become part of the project, ensure their voices are heard to determine workers wanting to achieve success, helping working team find their connection to the bigger picture.
Empowerment is a role and a quality of a leader. It means allowing workers to analyse and consider work situations, become capable of taking decisions on spot, decisions once only managers could have taken. Inside Ilford-on-Sea case scenario empowerment would have been helpful because the work was spread towards multiple working sites and employees should have been actively involved in the working process and allowed to use their own judgements to speed up the completion of the project.
Set goals-build direction it is also one of the leader roles. leaders who are positive, inspiring, and who empower and develop followers – are better leaders. They are more valued by followers and have higher performing teams. It is the leader mission to set a collective goal that all the working team can follow. Inside Ilford-on-Sea case scenario a worker was not motivated in that direction, the leader should have taken time to explain them in detail the importance of the job and to include them into work planning and strategies.
Positive reinforcement is the addition of a reward following a desired behavior with the purpose of increasing the likelihood the behavior will occur again. When a positive outcome or reward occurs on Ilford-on-Sea after an action, that particular response will be reinforced.
Leadership and management must go hand in hand. They are not the same thing. But they are necessarily linked, and complementary. Any effort to separate the two is likely to cause more problems than it solves.
The leadership and management must to be shore they have the right personal for the company Ilford-of-Sea which was awarded a contract to renovate this involves complete renewal of kitchens and bathroom. It also involved a complete interior decoration of each unit, they should be monitoring and controlling the workforce as there were multiple sites.
M1. Analyse and differentiate between the role of a leader and function of a manager by effectively applying a range of theories and concepts using the scenario given in the assignment brief.
Contemporary management theory is a class of behavioural theory that claims that there is no best way to organize a corporation, to lead a company, or to make decision. Instead the optimal course of action is contingent upon the internal and external situation. In the Ilford-of-Sea company case scenario, the company leader should have followed the contemporary management theory and analyse the company internal and external situation, analyse the company production and input on the existent market in order to define management and provide success for the company. The manager should have followed the leader of Ilford by Sea company and find ways to better control production and maximise chances for profit, by considering both internal and external factors that would affect company success.
Management by Objectives is a personal management technique where managers and employees work together, record and monitoring goals and organisation and are translated into personal goals for organisational members.
Classical management theory is based on the belief that workers only have physical and economic needs. It does not take in to account social needs or job satisfaction, but instead advocates a specialization of labor, centralized leadership and decision-making and profit maximization. In our Ilford-on-Sea company, the leader could use the classical management theory and always taking into consideration workers physical and economic needs but also inspire them and make them part of the overall company management decisions, motivate workers by making them feel part of the managerial decision making. The manager can increase company productivity by keeping in mind that workers who feel valuables and share responsibility have a better motivation for work and this way productivity increases.
Behavioural theories of leadership are classified as such because they focus on the study of specific behaviours of a leader. For behavioural theorists, a leader behaviour is the best predictor of his leadership influences and as a result, is the best determinant of his or her leadership success. In our case scenario, Ilford-on-Sea company, the leader could have used behavioural theory of leadership and use it to model internal behaviour policies. The way that the leader model behaviour will become the way that workers will copy behaviour within the company. For the Ilford by Sea company this will benefit in a better work environment where behaviour policies are respected and company runs smoothly. From the management point of view behaviour theories of leadership translates into Ilford on Sea manager making sure that workers follow internal behaviour rules such as health and safety, being always on time, etc. This way company can be better controlled and the risks of out of control situations minimised.
Contingency theories in general state that the effectiveness of leadership depends upon the situation, and there are numerous factors, such as the nature of the task, leader’s personality, and make-up of the group being leader. In the Ilford-on-Sea case scenario it is clear that the economic crisis situation put pressure on the company leader and the leader failed into managing the workforce and convince them to take collective responsibility in order for the Jarvis contract to be successful. The leader should have taken into consideration contingency theory and increase effectiveness of leadership by clearly analyse the external economic factors, the importance of the task and by transferring some of the responsibility to the workers in order to make them all understand the importance of the contract. The manager despite being educated he also missed to understand how to control and monitor all working sites, make everyone collaborate and work together for the success of the company.
Transformational Theory of leadership- The transformational leadership theory is
defined as theory of leadership which causes changes in individual and social
system and it creates valuable and the positive change in the followers with the
goal of developing the followers into leaders. This system of leadership is
best suitable in organization that aims for succession planning in the organization so
that there is no shortage of leadership qualities and abilities in the organization. Transactional Theory of leadership- The transactional theory of leadership is also
known as managerial leadership which focuses on supervision, organization and
performance and in this theory the leaders promote compliance by followers through
both rewards and punishments.
Management and leadership require a diverse throng of skills.
Soft skills refer to interpersonal skills and include traits such as leadership, communication, negotiation and expectations management.
Hard Management skills refer to a haw they function, organisation, coordinating, controlling and commanding the business.
THEORY X and THEORY Y: are theories of human motivation and management. They were created and developed by Douglas McGregor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, initially presented at a management conference in 1957,[1] and developed during the 1960s. These two theories describe contrasting models of workforce motivation applied by managers in human resource management, organizational behavior, organizational communication and organizational development. According to the models, the two opposing sets of general assumptions of how workers are motivated form the basis for two different managerial styles. Theory X stresses the importance of strict supervision, external rewards, and penalties: in contrast, Theory Y highlights the motivating role of job satisfaction and encourages workers to approach tasks without direct supervision.
Task 2 – The factor identified as major problem facing Ilford-on-Sea Limited was managing their workforce. To manage the secured contract of renovating 100 units of Decent Homes for London, apply the role of a leader and the function of a manager in this context.
P2 Examine examples of how a role of a leader and function of a manager apply in different situational context.
The above discussion has shown that Ilford-on-Sea Limited is facing the problem regarding the workforce management. They have a limited number of employees, but due to proper employee management strategy the company has failed to manage as well as utilize the workforce as per the requirement. However, they have planned for some new projects which need proper guidance to be completed successfully. Now, the learner needs to apply the leadership function in this regard to make that project successful. This section has been divided into two sections. Each of them would discuss about the application of leadership approaches as well as leadership theories in this context. As per the given case study, Ilford-on-Sea has planned to hire Jarvis Construction as the contractor that can renovate 100 units. The newly joined manager in the company has decided to focus on the first unit initially. After being successful in it, other units could be renovated by following the first. However, the learner has already mentioned that the organisation Ilford-on-Sea is suffering from lack of managerial capability to handle the workforce.
Van Wart (2017) has contributed that for being successful in a project it is necessary to use the employees in an effective way. As per the above discussion the role of leadership and the functions of management have been understood now. Therefore, as per the managerial functionalities, the manager should plan a roadmap to continue the renovation work of first unit. This plan should include proper division of responsibilities those should be allocated among the employees. Other than that, the duties of team leaders should also be mentioned in it. They should monitor the performances of their team members every day. Along with that the deadline for every task needs to be mentioned there.
After that, the manager should divide the team. Huber (2017) has stated that a competent team can only be build up if it includes some capable employees. Therefore, the manager of Ilford-on-Sea Limited should ensure that Jarvis Construction is recruiting their best employees for the project. Ilford-on-Sea Limited is outsourcing the renovation. Therefore, this company has not much to do there. Only they can negotiate the project plan with Jarvis Construction. Other than that, the managers and leaders of Ilford-on-Sea Limited should monitor the work every day. They should make the Jarvis Construction clear about their requirements.
However, the managers of both the companies should coordinate with each other properly for getting information about daily work program. Besides that, Crossan et al. (2017) have commented that while participating in a project with a different organization, the employees need to cooperate with each other properly. Improper communication and interactive approach may create problem to carry on the project for long time. Therefore, the employees of Ilford-on-Sea Limited and Jarvis Construction should maintain a cooperative approach with each other.
P3 Apply different theories and models of approach, including situational leadership, systems leadership and contingency leadership.
According to Bosse et al. (2017), the contingency leadership theory believes that no specific leadership style is there which can be marked as the best. It basically depends on the situation that in which way the leader can handle the situation. This theory suggests that the most effective leaders enable to adapt their own styles as per the situation.
Situational leadership can be linked up to the four leadership styles of Hersey and Blanchard. Campbell (2015) has mentioned that they are telling, selling, participating and delegating. Telling is all aboutto tell the members about their tasks. selling usually involves those leaders who tell others about their tasks. participating is an approach which has been offered by the leaders that allows the group members to take more active roles. Besides that, delegating indicates to the style of less involvement.
Packard (2017) has commented that the basic principle of system leadership theory involves an informal and formal organizational structure, procedures, policies for the leadership activities. The key elements of it includes the mechanism to make, communicate as well as execute the decisions. Other than that, the selection and training of the leaders should also be involved in this leadership approach. On the other hand, Northouse (2017) has stated that the contingency theory considers the situation and style which should be matched up with the leader effectively. According to this theory, the success of the leader is a combination of several contingencies in a form of task, subordinate and group variables. In case of Ilford-on-Sea Limited, the situational leadership would be the best. By applying this theory, the leaders of the company could control the employees.
Lack of organizational concept and leadership technique are the major problems of Ilford-on-Sea Limited. Thus, the contingency theory can also be applied here. The managers of the company could be able to develop their strategies in accordance to the situation. Armstrong (2016) has commented that, a leadership strategy should be determined earlier as it may help to control the operation in a systematic way. Therefore, the leaders or managers of the given organization should apply an approach which would control the present situation there. From the beginning of the assignment, the learner has disclosed that Ilford-on-Sea Limited is suffering from the managerial and operational problems. They need a proper managerial strategy. It would help the organization to manage the workforce in an effective way.
Task leadership theory means assigning responsibilities for project team members in order to boosts efficiency. The role of the leader is to make sure that each member of the team has a clear understanding of their part in the project and that allows the leader to develop a timeline. A complete and accurate timeline would show the leader who is in charge and their specific duties within the project, also completion deadline. If responsibilities are not assigned, the outcome of project tasks becomes unclear, vague and often incomplete. Assigning roles also give the leader an opportunity to have a better idea of which members are working on closely related tasks and also clarify exact duties for each of the team members. A review the to-do list is necessary for the team members in order to see which member is completing the assignment and to generate follow-up feedback and questions if necessary
M2 Assess the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to situations within the work environment.
Situational Approaches to Leadership are theme in early approaches to understanding leadership was the desire to identify traits or behaviors that effective leaders had in common. A common set of characteristics proved to be elusive, however. Researchers were continually frustrated by the lack of consistent support for their findings and conclusions. As a result, research began to focus on what style of leadership was most effective in a particular situation.
Contingency or situational theories examine the fit between the leader and the situation and provide guidelines for managers to achieve this effective fit.
Weaknesses of different approaches to situation with the work environment using to Ilford-on-Sea company are:
-To Ilford-on-Sea company was same problem with monitoring and controlling the workforce because they must work in multiple site.
– The second weaknesses to Ilford-on-Sea company was affected by the economic crisis of 2008.
-Ilford-on-Sea company start growing by 2008 and manager was able to employee more staff to cover all sites.
-Ilford-on-Sea company had inability to rice finance.
-Ilford-on-Sea coupled with rigorous competition industry.
Strengths of different and importance to situation within the work environment to Ilford-on-Sea are:
-The Ilford-on-Sea company is specialising on repairs and renovation and compete renewal bathrooms and kitchens.
-Ilford-on-Sea must cover a multiples sites in the Essex, Middlesex and London.
-Ilford-on-Sea company start growing by 2008 and manager was able to employee more staff to cover all sites.
-The managing director was educated and whit vast experience in customer services and sale marketing.
-Ilford-on-Sea is an approved contracture for most London Boroughs.
Task 3 – Demonstrate an appreciation of the role leaders and managers play in the operational functions of an organisation. Examine the part good leadership and effective management might have played in Ilford-on-Sea to lead and manage the workforce for the successful completion of the secured contract.
P4 Explain the key approaches to operations management and the role that leaders and managers play.
As stated by Johnston and Marshall (2016), operation management and the role is being considered as one of the most important areas of business organizations. It is being defined as the factor related to management which includes the operation and design processes of organization. Operation management includes some responsibilities. One of them is to ensure that the business is being operating properly and another one is to ensure that it involves least recourses and meeting the needs of the customers. According to Kok et al. (2017), it involves such managing processes that includes energy, labour and raw materials. All of them are being converted into services or goods. For example, the operation management in Ilford-on-Sea Limited usually deals with several raw materials those are being needed in the work of renovation or repairing. Their human resources are the labours and their managers. After involving all of them into the production, they ultimately repair or renovate the building or else as per the demands of the customers. Therefore, this overall process is being narrated as the operational function.
Priest and Gass (2017) have mentioned about the approaches that are needed to complete the operational function of a business organization. These approaches are six sigma, lean enterprise, and business process redesign. Six sigma mainly focuses on the quality. The six-sigma project of Ilford-on-Sea Limited would include the sequenced steps as well; as the financial targets. For example, it may forecast about the profit increment and cost reduction. Goetsch and Davis (2014) have commented that six sigma involves different tools like calculation of potential defects and trending charts. Apart from that, lean manufacturing would also be helpful for Ilford-on-Sea Limited. It is a process that eliminate waste in a systematic way. This theory has been accounted for waste which has been created by uneven or overdoing workloads. However, while implementing the approaches in Ilford-on-Sea Limited, the work load would be reduced. Therefore, it may help the operation manager in the organization to motivate the employees to provide more effort in their tasks.
Principle of Total Quality Management is defined as the act of overseeing all the tasks and activities desired to maintain a desired level of excellence which includes creating and implementing quality planning and assurance as well as quality control and
quality improvement. The basic approach of Ilford-on-Sea is to focus on the
improvement of quality and performance in all functions, departments and processes across the company to provide quality products and services which exceed customer
Just in time inventory is defined as a strategy which increases efficiency and
decreases wastes only by receiving goods when they are needed in the production
process, thereby reducing inventory costs. The application of the just in time
inventory in operations management helps the organization in reducing the storage
space of the organization as the goods are only stored at the time of their use and it
saves the money of the organization, the just in time inventory also helps in the
reduction of the wastes as the goods are only received when needed and in this way
wastage of goods is stopped and the just in time inventory also helps in making
lesser investments by the company as receiving goods at times when it is not
required increases the investment cost of the company.
The concept of continuous improvement, Kaizen is defined as an approach which
when applied in the work place improves every function of business. It aims to
eliminate wastes in all systems of an organization through improving standardized
activities and processes. By understanding the Kaizen approach practitioners can
integrate this method in to their overall six sigma efforts. The principles of Kaizen are
based on 5S which are sort, set in order, shine, standardise and sustain. By
implementing the Kaizen process in operations management the organization can
encourage the development of the team work, break down departmental barriers and
achieve higher levels of quality and innovation.
A control and distributed system is a computerised controlsystem which help to process or plan usually whit a more member of control loops. When controllers are distributed through, the system is controlled about central operator supervisory control. The distributed control on Ilford-on -Sea is in contrast with non-distributed control system which use centralised control room. The discreet controller must be located in the central control room.
Transformation of raw material into finished goods and services: This model signifies
the converting of raw material into finished goods with delivering of products and
services provided to the customers. The transformation will be done for analysing the
options. The Transformation brings the changes for creating the inventory control
and the system measure for meeting the brand expectations in increasing the
organization as the whole.
The foremost duty of the leader and the manager is to transform the effective goods
for the production into the finished goods for increasing satisfaction for the analysing
the operations. How leaders and managers can improve efficiencies of operational
management to successfully meet business objectives.
Logistic and inventory management is defined as a strategy which increases efficiency and decreases wastes only by receiving goods when they are needed in the production process, thereby reducing inventory costs. The application of the just in time inventory in operations management helps the organization in reducing the storage
space of the organization as the goods are only stored at the time of their use and it
saves the money of the organization, the just in time inventory also helps in the
reduction of the wastes as the goods are only received when needed and in this way
wastage of goods is stopped and the just in time inventory also helps in making
lesser investments by the company as receiving goods at times when it is not
required increases the investment cost of the company.
Process Design
A successful process design must take into account the appropriateness of the process to overall organization objective. Process design require outside view of the whole organization and should not have a myopic outlook. And the process should send t customer value with constant involvement of the management at various stages.
Capacity management is a process used to manage information technology (IT). Its primary goal is to ensure that IT resources are right-sized and good condition to meet current and future business requirements in a cost-effective manner.
P5 Explain the importance and value of operations management in achieving business objectives.
Ilford -on-Sea is a small company that was opened such a private business organisation, but since 2008 the business was growing. This organisation competes in construction industry specializing on renovation and repairs.
The business objectives to Ilford-on-Sea are to be on high standard and quality in construction industry and for keep at height standard the managing director has good experience in customer services and sales and marketing. Ilford-on-Sea Limited is not such a big enterprise. Therefore, they do not have such plan of expansion, they need to have an effective operation strategy to increase their profitability.
Meuser et al. (2016) have stated that the concept of effectiveness as well as efficiency of the organization basically revolve around its operation management. Managing the operation seems to indicate that the process would be right. Running the process may include a higher degree of integration which would be applicable to the organizational resources. It may help them for getting the right product at right place in a proper manner along with considering the time and cost.
Ilford-on-Sea Limited is a company that renovate and repair several buildings as well as structures. Therefore, they have high chance to include some innovation within their services. However, this decision should be taken by the operation manager and should instruct the team members in accordance to it. Cullen-Lester and Yammarino (2016) have declared that operation management is related to all other departments in the organization. Therefore, the operation management should take such decision thus the productivity of other departments may not be hampered anyhow.
M3 Evaluate how leaders and managers can improve efficiencies of operational management to successfully meet business objectives.
The leader and manager are responsible to control and distribution system lead as well as manage the employees in the organisation and management may involve creative skill of problem solving, motivating the employee and the ensure that the organisational gaol finished into goods services and achieved properly.
Transformation of raw material into finished goods and services: This model signifies the converting of raw material into finished goods with delivering of products and services provided to the customers. The transformation will be done for analysing the options. The Transformation brings the changes for creating the inventory control and the system measure for meeting the brand expectations in increasing the organization as the whole.
Process design requires a broad view of the whole organization and should not have a myopic outlook. Effective process strategy is required to deals with raw material procurement, customer participation, technology investment. A successful process design must consider the appropriateness of the process to overall organization objective.
Capacity management is the limits of an organization resource, like as manufacturing, office space, workforce, technology, equipment, raw material also need to deal with capacity organization’s process. Capacity management of Ilford-on-Sea was limited by the economic downturn in 2008 and the operation manger need to deal with this situation to maintain the customers on the great value.
Logistics and inventory management: Logistics and inventory management which
supervises the activities and the flow of goods which increases the value and the
results and maintained the action. Logistics and inventory management plan
implement and control the effective and efficient the flow and storage of goods for
the point of starting to the end of the user. Through the ability in the logistics
management, managers and leaders increase the efficiency for the satisfaction
prevailed in the results.
Task 4. Demonstrate and understanding of the relationship between leadership and management in contemporary business environment.
P6 Assess the factors within the business environment that impact upon operational management and decision-making by leaders and managers.
The contemporary business environment here refers to the Ilford-on-Sea Limited as the whole assignment has focused on it. The learner has already mentioned that this organization is suffering from proper leadership approach. As stated by Doh and Quigley (2014), development of effective leadership approach is highly required as it may help in the growth of the organization. Basically, an effective leadership helps to maintain a system in the organization. Therefore, Ilford-on-Sea Limited should try to develop effective leadership approach for their organization as well. This part of the assignment would focus on the leadership and management. Both have consisted a common goal that is to lead the employees to a proper way, thus profit can be earned.
According to Foti et al. (2017), several factors are there those can affect the operation management of a business as well as the decision-making process. First of all, work processcould be considered as one factor. The operational planning mostly depended on the work routine of the organization. The managers are responsible to ensure each of the routine based on which the employees in the organization would perform their roles. For example, as Ilford-on-Sea Limited is a repairing and renovating company, therefore the manager should decide that where and when their resources would visit.
Gregory (2017) has discussed that employee training should be considered as one of the major factors that can influence the operation as well as decision making of the company. It is one of the most important duties of the managers to enhance the skills and abilities of the employees. Even, the skills of the employees should be assessed on regular basis. This is one of the operational planning, it includes the system of shifting an employee from one task type to another. This process would be continued until the best task role has not been found. it helps the managers to understand the workflow.
Gorman and Gamble (2016) have mentioned that scheduling is another factor that can make impact on the operational planning of the organization. a production schedule has been created by the managers. It involves the working hours of each of the employees and the usages of machines for the production. This type of scheduling is helpful to ensure that the product or service of the company may satisfy the demands of the customers. For instance, Ilford-on-Sea Limited should develop a schedule plan where the number of human resources and their working time along with required materials would be noted for each project. It may help to reduce the working pressure and tasks would be allocated in an equal manner. However, it is expected that by following these plans, the company may resolve their current issues. Lastly, it can be said that all these factors are equally important in a business, thus the managers in the given company should be very accurate about it. Improper decision may hamper the productivity. For example, if the tasks would not be allocated in a proper manner, therefore some of the employees must take maximum responsibilities and gradually their efforts and interests would be reduced. As an obvious result, the service of the company would be suffered.
Management and Leadership style require a diverse throng of skills. The leadership and management must to be shore they have the right personal for the company Ilford-of-Sea which was awarded a contract to renovate this involves complete renewal of kitchens and bathroom. It also involved a complete interior decoration of each unit, they should be monitoring and controlling the workforce as there were multiple sites.
The leadership and management must to be shore they have the right personal for the company Ilford-of-Sea which was awarded a contract to renovate this involves complete renewal of kitchens and bathroom. It also involved a complete interior decoration of each unit, they must be monitoring and controlling the workforce as there were multiple sites.
M4 Analyse how these different factors affect the business environment and wider community.
Culture- of the company helps in preserving the local culture of a place so that they do not destroyed by the passage of time and which will help them to promote themselves as socially responsible organizations that works for the betterment of the society by preserving culture. By preserving the culture, the company can also focus on designing products which satisfies with the culture of a community which helps in maintaining the business the businessenvironment of the place and protecting the rights of the wider community.
Value– of the company also helps in preserving various values relating to the society they operate in. By preserving the values of a community, the company can get a better idea of the values of the place and according to that promote their product in such a way that it satisfies all the potential customers even if there values and beliefs are different from each other. It helps in creation of a sense of responsibility in the business environment and more and more business organizations come forward to fulfil their responsibility towards the community in which they operate.
Ethics- of the company also ensures that the business ethics followed by the company are at par with the general business ethics which aims to promote transparency in the business world and help the customers in choosing the right products. By following ethics in business, the company ensures that none of their customers are misguided regarding the offerings of their products and they remain loyal and responsible to their potential customers who are also concerned with the welfare of their stakeholders other than achieving growth and development. It improves the image of the company and increases its reputation in the market of an organization which is ethical in nature
Sustainability– ensures that the products of the company are developed in a sustainable manner which will not harm the environment by polluting
it or putting pressure on its resources but rather it should promote sustainable
development. The sustainability as a whole impacts the entire community because
by practicing sustainability in the organization, it is mostly that the society will be
benefitted the most due to the reduction in the over utilization of resources and also
due to the reduction of the pollution levels in the local ecosystem. It impacts the
wider community and the business environment as it aims in the preservation and
conservation of natural resources and promotion of renewable resources
Meeting Stakeholder’s Expectations
The CSR policy also aims to meeting the stakeholder’s expectations by fulfilling all the requirements of the stakeholders from the company. The customer expectation is fulfilled by getting the right product at the right prices by ethical means. The employee expectation is fulfilled providing them the proper work environment and satisfying all their physiological needs. The suppliers and creditors needs are fulfilled by giving their due payments and their due orders in time.
Customers can influence a business by deciding to continue to purchase goods and services from the organisation. They can choose to take their customers in other place.
Operation management is equally important in small and large both the organizations. All the business organizations need to deliver and produce their services and products effectively and efficiently. However, the organization should take the decision by its own as how the operation can be managed in the firm. Large companies have sufficient resources that they can use in managing the operation and can divide the responsibilities among all the resources. On the other hand, the small enterprises have limited resources and that is why they need to plan properly before allocating the responsibilities. It is completely their own decision that in which way they would manage their operations. These are some basic facts about the operation management that have been discussed above.
In addition, this assignment has involved the strategies of Ilford-on-Sea Limited regarding operation management. The learner has discussed about the key approaches of operation management. In addition, this assignment has included the leadership theory as well as managerial approaches too. Most importantly, the entire discussion has been linked up to the Ilford-on-Sea Limited as well. The learner has focused on the current issue of this company and suggested the solutions through various approaches and theories. The company is suffering from operational issue and the reason of it is no proper leader is there. The managers in that case should take the initiative thus they can overcome the situation. Otherwise, it may hamper their business in future.
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