Objective of Training and Developing a Role
beneficial among the employees in developing their updates skills through the latest methodology now. The knowledge will give together with how to handling and analyzing their jobs, so that they can solve the organizational problems themselves. Therefore, it is mentioned that a training method is not an end in itself, but a means to accomplish a particular objective. (Shiny P. Kumar, 2009)
Effectiveness means create an expected result. The effectiveness of training is an important factor within an organization. In processing the effectiveness of training programs will consumes much precious time and resources, but these are in short-term demand and supply in recent organizations. (Shiny P. Kumar, 2009)
Hence, many training programs are unable to achieve the prospective organizational benefits. It can assist to realize where the problem is if they are having a well-structured measuring system. With a realistic thinking, it is able to show a valid and significant benefit from the training programs in their organization. As a result, the company is essential to have an effective training. (Shiny P. Kumar, 2009)
Besides, it is also noted that the business environment is not standing still. The competitors, technologies, legislations and even regulations will often keep changing. It is being able to estimate the results that will help us adapt to such changing circumstances. (Shiny P. Kumar, 2009)
Problem Statement
Even if training is an important program to the employees in a workplace, therefore it will also have problems with training programs. The main problem with training to the employees is no one learns anything when they are bored or unconscious. The large numbers of employees will required to sit in neat little rows, listening to dispassionate people and predictably depressing courses. (Berkun S., Longacre V., 2004 )
Because of they are bored or unconscious, therefore many people will tend to sit at the back and always playing games on phone or talking with others. As a result, most people will dislike the type of meeting and other regarding events about training programs. People’s attention spans are in short-term, they will spend more time on their interested events even if they are in the training program. If the training programs they attend can’t attract their attention, they won’t be paying attention for very long period. (Berkun S., Longacre V., 2004 )
Furthermore, it is common that the trainers will use the same or similar materials for the trainees in the training programs every course. (Berkun S., Longacre V., 2004 ) If the trainees are attending few times before, and meet the same trainers, they will definitely can predict that is an useless period.
If the entire training programs are standing on presentation, hence the trainees also will feel sleepy and distraction. Therefore, the trainers need to do some research that how to attract trainees’ attention. Perhaps they can think some events that can interaction with their trainees, so they will hold their mind in the training programs.
Research Question
- What is the objective of training? What is the importance of developing a role in training?
- What types of training programs that considered in a workplace?
- What are the factors that affect the effectiveness of training?
Research Objectives
- To identify the objective of training and importance of developing a role in training.
- To analysis the different types of training programs in a workplace.
- To evaluate the factors that will influence the effectiveness of training.
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.0 Introduction
This chapter is focused on the literature review that related to the effectiveness of training. The objectives are the inevitable focal points to both the employers and employees within an organization. Without objectives, the company is more difficulty to meet the targets. The employers can decide their aims to achieve and hence they are capabilities to pass the duties to their employees. Moreover, training is developing an important role in training. The employees can complete their own works more effective and efficient. Besides, training programs can consists of many types that considered in a workplace. It can separate to several different types in training programs. The different types of training programs also will mentioned in this chapter. Obviously, there are some factors that will influence the effectiveness of training programs. It will be stated clearly in this chapter.
Training Objectives
Training objective plays a vital role and also the most important parts in the training program. But, some people will think of training objective is wastage of valuable time. The issue here is that are always limited resources and the training objectives following the design of training actually. It provides the clear outlines and develops the training programs within a short-term period because objectives are focusing specifically on business demands. Training objectives tell the trainees that what are the expected results will come out at the end of the training programs. It is a primary significance from a number of stakeholder perspectives. (Compare Infobase Limited, 2007) There are four beneficiaries of training objectives, such as trainer, trainee, designer and evaluator.
Training helps the trainers to measure the progress of trainees and make the adjustments that required. Besides, trainers will come in a position to establish a certain relationship between objectives and particular segments of training. (Compare Infobase Limited, 2007)
Training helps trainees in reducing the anxiety up to some extent of their particular jobs. The trainees will not surprise on what is happening, and thus will be conscious of the unexpected condition. It also helps trainees to increase their attention, which is the crucial factor to make the training become more smoothly. It is possible to achieve the targets if the targets are setting to be challenging and motivation, and probability of attaining the goals will be much higher. As a result, training objectives help in increasing the probability that the participants will be successful in training. (Compare Infobase Limited, 2007)
If the training designers are realized what is to be achieved in the end of training programs then they will buy the training package regarding to that only. The training designers will look forward to the training methods, training equipments, and training contents accordingly in order to achieve the objectives. Furthermore, planning always effectively helps in dealing an unexpected situation. Since the objective is known, the training designers will design a training program that will include ways to improve the interpersonal skills, such as verbal and non-verbal language, dealing in unexpected situation. Therefore, the training may not be designed appropriately without any guidance. (Compare Infobase Limited, 2007)
If they are planning step by step, the training evaluator can measure the progress of the trainees easily because the objectives will reflect the expected performance of trainees. As a result, training objective is an important tool to judge the performance of participants. (Compare Infobase Limited, 2007)
2.2 The Importance of Role in Training Effectiveness
Beyond all doubts, training is playing a crucial role to the employers and employees in their business. Hence, it has several reasons why training is important in a workplace.
Through affected by the education system, public policy and training institutions, training is capable the organization to help a country’s human capital development, to meet the business demands in a better position. It also enables to influence employers that related to their demands in investing more in training and employee development. (Silva S., 1997)
Because the lack sources of training for employers in developing countries, it offers a particular service to the members especially in industrial relations. It provides a vital source of income to the organization that can consign relevant quality training. Besides, training will force the employees to gain their knowledge and more realize in their own jobs. (Silva S., 1997)
In addition, the knowledge required in training will increase the quality of other services provided by the organization. By matching business targets and people management policies, it attribute to better human relations at the appropriate enterprise level in order to better enterprise performances. Finally, it also improves the overall image of the organization and invests it into a degree of professionalism, which can lead to increased and influence the membership. (Silva S., 1997)
Types of Training
2.3.1 Hands on Training
This training program is provided for those employees personally in order to be trained in doing their own works. If the employees are working at medical facility or factory that will requires them to use their body movements, hence this hand on training program would have to be considered. They can practice what they have to do and got someone will guide them whenever they need it. (Calvin, C., n.d.)
2.3.2 Employee Training
This employee training program is also known as self-study training. It is specialized to be able the all employees understand and realize the company handbook. The handbook has information that related on what are roles that they need to play when they are working on their jobs. It also repeats the history and other things related to the business and the industry that it is based upon. (Calvin, C., n.d.)
2.3.2 Internet Training
Since companies are searching the ways that how to save money continuously, some companies will offer their employee training on the internet. Hence, it is called as internet training. Employees can receive the certain data and information from their own company website or the company’s internal internet system (intranet). (Calvin, C., n.d.)
2.3.4 Group Training
This type of employee training is similar to having a seminar which is group training. A representative of that particular company would be the facilitator, or there may be will more than one. The facilitator is accountable in providing the data and information about how the employees should implement their own jobs effectively and efficiently. This will be used if there are a group of employees that need training at the same time. (Calvin, C., n.d.)
2.4 Factors that Affect the Training Effectiveness
The essential factor that affects job training is the management support of training initiatives. It is crucial that managers develop an energetic thinking that will have useful learning, support the training initiatives, and encourage professional development. There wouldn’t be selected funds to employees for training programs and they wouldn’t feel comfortable through new knowledge and skills if without management support. (Smith, N., 2011)
No matter the training topic is a valid training need or not, training is well-known and shifted effectively to the job. The best way to verify a training need is to produce a training needs analysis. If a training topic is truly a training need, trainees will be engaged actively and willing to learn the new skills and can apply it easily in their workplace. (Smith, N., 2011)
Whether training is coming from in-house or a consulting firm, the trainers must be able to keep track effectively with their trainees. The trainers can set up a platform to ensure the trainees needs and expectations, present material clearly and effectively, and make the procedure more interesting. An effective trainer also needs to search a safe and fascinating environment, ensure the trainees involved actively, and can adjust appropriately when necessary. (Smith, N., 2011)
To share the knowledge effectively in the workplace, the trainees must have the capability and motivation to succeed. Trainees need to have sufficient opportunities to use the training programs, and they need to be aware of the advantages and availability of the training. In addition, trainees should understand that the behavior changes will be reflected to have a significant achievement or job enrichment. (Smith, N., 2011)
The trainees need to be ready and willing to know more new information. They must ascertain the needs to adapt one’s behavior and be able to learn new skills. Besides, they need to have an open-minded and receptive to have a new way of thinking and presenting. (Smith, N., 2011)
Another influential factor that affects the job training is adaptability of the training environment. The chosen place needs to be flexible, hence it can be rearranged the viewpoint easily in the shortest period. It needs to be removed from the workplace, so trainees are prepared in mind to separate themselves from normal work activities. Finally, the particular area needs to be lit sufficiently, ventilated, and arranged to maximize trainees’ comfort and minimize trainees’ distraction. (Smith, N., 2011)
Chapter 3 Research Methods
3.1 Introduction
This chapter is related how effectiveness of training among employees within an organization. The research method is a way of how we process our research. Research methods are comprised three categories, such as quantitative, qualitative and participatory. Quantitative, qualitative and participatory approaches have different their own disciplinary origins, developed distinctive tools. (Mayoux, L., 2005) Furthermore, this chapter will also focus on the design of research, data collection and data analysis.
3.2 Research Design
Research design is created by the researcher. It is impressible to the trainees and employees within an organization. The researchers can look around the different levels of project during the process on the research design. The research design that will be used is qualitative design. The researchers need to find and collect the data and information. Qualitative research is research that involves analyzing and interpreting text and interviews and observations in order to discover meaningful patterns descriptive of a particular phenomenon. (Auerbach, C. F., 2003)
3.3 Data collection
The researchers need to gather the information about the effectiveness of training. They can do a survey in the other market in order to achieve the goals. As a result, survey can acquire clean data quickly and efficiently from the widest range of sources using an expansive array of methods.
There are two sources in data collection, such as primary source and secondary source. The primary source is collected by the researcher for the specific purpose of answering the problem on hand. However, the secondary source is the data collected from a source that has already been published in any form. (HubPages Inc., 2011) It is being able collected from the typically published printed sources, like scholarly books, articles from journals, annual reports, magazines or newspapers.
3.3.1 Primary Data
Survey is the most common way that used in social today. It is a great way to discover the opinions from a large amount of people about what is the perception among the public’s views on the training. It is useful and can be proceed more easily by using surveys. (Scribd Inc., 2011)
Questionnaire is a primary data that quite similar to survey. It is a list of questions either using the open-ended or close-ended for which the respondents to answer the particular question. Questionnaire can be processed in many ways, such as telephone, mail, live in a public area, or in an institute, through electronic mail or through fax and other communication electronic. (Scribd Inc., 2011)
Interview is a face-to-face conversation in a small group with the respondent. It is not only just a conversation, but also can observe the body language, gestures, facial expressions and other reactions from the respondents. (HubPages Inc., 2011) This enables the interviewer to draw conclusions easily. It is very helpful if you can gain the knowledge from expert about factor of training effectiveness. (Scribd Inc., 2011)
Observation involves taking organized notes about occurrences in the world. It provides you aware about specific people, events, or locales. It is useful when you want to learn more about an event without the biased viewpoint of an interview. (Scribd Inc., 2011) Observation can search from facial expressions, gestures, actions, or attitudes.
3.3.2 Secondary Data
Secondary data is often available and can be done easily. After the data collection of electronic media and internet from the primary data, the trainers can access the secondary data much smoothly. (HubPages Inc., 2011) Nonetheless, the researchers have to be aware of assessing the secondary data. Secondary data can give a good starting point for this research and also often can help to fix the problems and the research objectives. (Scribd Inc., 2011) And the secondary data of this research can be found in the published printed sources like books, magazines, journals or newspapers. As it has many resources that can find the data, I will go search online into the database internet online journals called Emerald insight that it is given by Kolej Bandar Utama. In addition, I also find some books from Kolej Bandar Utama Library. The popular searching website Google is also the useful tool to collect the related data in training programs.
3.4 Data Analysis
After do the all search and data collection, it has to analyze using the computer software known as Statistical Package for Service Solution (SPSS). (Scribd Inc., 2011) SPSS is a multipurpose application that can fix the difficult problems and analyze the tasks easier through access the software. Moreover, it is capable that more people can benefit in ease to use of quantitative techniques in decision making. (IBM Corporation, 2010)
An ANOVA test is in essence a method to determine of three or more population will be equal. The ANOVA test requires that the populations being tested are normally distributed. It will have equal variances and that the samples are independent of each other. The ANOVA test uses the variation between samples within a category and between categories. (Adam, 2007)
Chapter 4 Limitation
Nevertheless, this research must have some limitation in the processing of collect the data about the opinions from a large amount of people. Because of this research is related about the company’s training program whether it is effective or not, so this survey is available only to the employers and employees who have been working in the company before.
Besides, if we need to collect the result among the employers and employees, hence they must spend their valuable time to finish the questionnaire. And many people will think that market is a waste of time. As a result, they maybe will just fill it with random or simply to answer that. The data collection will become irrelevant and inaccurate.
Chapter 5 Research Ethnics
The ethical values are the most important for an organization to the way of successful. As the company can maintain the values on its moral grounds and support from its employees, it will give a great contribution and reputation to your company. To improve the productivity of the business, it is important to maintain or increase the importance of business ethnics. Employees need to understand the importance of business ethnics so to ensure that everything is working well within an organization. (Business Mantra, 2010)
As the researchers do the survey or questionnaire to the public, they must keep a smiley on their face. As a result, the public will have a good reputation and willing to accept the survey or questionnaire from the researchers. Hence, the survey or questionnaire can be completed in a possible time.
In addition, the attitude and wording are crucial factors from the first impression. If you’re polite to treat others, then the public will be definitely kind to you. Thus, no matter the others how to treat you, you must in polite and keep your smile to response.