Effectiveness of Total Quality Management (TQM) at Samsung

An investigation on effectiveness of Total Quality Management in creating better working environment in corporate world: A case study of Samsung

1         Introduction

1.1     Background of the study

Samsung is a world renowned company which has and is using different strategies to maintain its quality and standards that eventually helped the company to reach the pinnacle of the success. Samsung is also reputed for its emphasis on the total quality management concept and this company is using this concept rigorously for the last few decades by incorporating all members of an organization participate in improving processes, products, services, and the culture in which they work. Samsung is using this holistic approach for long-term success that views continuous improvement in all aspects of an organization as a process and not as a short-term goal which all are the keys to its success.

Total quality management is the concept of maintaining a system of management based on the principle that every staff member must be committed to maintaining high standards of work in every aspect of a company’s operations which can help a company to create an environment where the employees can work properly in corporate standards and as a part of corporate world (Bahri, 2012). Total quality management is important in various aspects to ensure the required quality and standards in the operation of the organization which can help to boost performances by defining the real path of the organization that it wants to achieve. Total quality management is concepts which can be used by Different Organizations use it in very different ways and confirms the concepts in order to fit their own personal goals where the ultimate goals are same regardless of the differences (Bakotić and Rogošić, 2015). Total quality management is a pioneer in maintaining proper standards in the manufacturing and operations where it is also needed to analyse how effective it is in creating corporate world environment for an organisation (Hur, 2009). So, this researcher will be prepared on this background to analyse the effectiveness of Total Quality Management in creating a better working environment in the corporate world on the basis of the case study of Samsung.

1.2     Research aims and objectives

The aim of the research is to find the effectiveness of Total Quality Management in creating a better working environment in the corporate world on the basis of Samsung. The objectives are given below:

  • To explore the elements and factors of Total Quality Management of Samsung
  • To inquire the effectiveness of Total Quality Management of Samsung
  • To investigate the elements and preconditions of better working environment
  • To demonstrate the effectiveness of Total Quality Management in creating better working environment on the basis of Samsung
  • To show the relationship between Total Quality Management and better working environment

2         Literature review

2.1     Total Quality Management and its impacts

Total Quality Management refers the process of implementing the applications so that the organisation can emphasizes on the continuous development of the performances and outputs by taking the long-term view which will ignore the short-term financial gains and will focus on gaining long-term sustainability (Jaca and Psomas, 2015). Total Quality Management is the solution for a company which can be used to attain the organisational goals by showing the pathway to successful continuous improvement where the company can use different strategies and tactics to utilise the available data and effective communication to bring a stability, discipline and overall efficiency in the organisational activities and working environment (Naidu, Babu, and Rajendra, 2006).

Total Quality Management is the method which can promote the ethics in the organisation by encouraging and motivating the people in the organisation to behave ethically and also ensure ethical values in the organisational activities as well (Teoman and Ulengin, 2017). Total quality management helps to embrace integrity in the organisation where the company focuses on encouraging the honesty and morality which eventually enhances the values and fairness in the processes and activities that can help to create an environment where the employees can feel comfortable to work (Teoman and Ulengin, 2017).

On the other hand, trust is an important part of total quality management because trust is the main pillar of creating participation and engagement of the employees which can make them feel honoured and secured in the working place that has impacts on the overall performances and output of the organisation (Vanichchinchai, 2014). Moreover, TQM can be better implemented and effective if the organisation can arrange regular training facility and programs for them which will increase their performances and level of commitment by better configuring them with the objectives and aims of the organisation (Murgatroyd and Morgan, 2010). Therefore, teamwork can be fostered through total quality management because accomplishment of the organisational goals can be better accelerate through the team work which is a prime focus of TQM and it can also increase rapport between the employees and in between employee and organisation as well (Hur, 2009). It is also mentioned by that the leadership is an important element of TQM because leadership is like the paddle of the company and the company’s activities are mainly dictated and directed by them where inefficiency can make TQM a futile effort (Bakotić and Rogošić, 2015). Moreover, it is also important to note that TQM must be done by giving proper recognition and maintaining proper communication with the related parties so that synchronisation and consistency can be maintained in the overall process.

2.2     Impact of TQM in creating better working environment

The working environment is an important factor in the modern business world because it is essential to create a healthy environment where the employees will work with full enthusiasm and effectiveness so that highest performances can be generated (Bahri, 2012). Moreover, TQM can bring proper ethics and integrity which increase moral values and honesty of the employees that can foster a healthy environment (Murgatroyd and Morgan, 1993). On the other hand, the teamwork, recognition and trust building activities can enable the company to create an environment where the employees will be able to work efficiently (Bahri, 2012). Communication is the effective tool which can be used to proper required directions, feedbacks, dictation and overall command to the employees so that the organisational goals can be achieved and also it will create an environment where proper planning and feedbacks will be available (Bakotić and Rogošić, 2015). TQM can be better implemented and effective if the organisation can arrange regular training facility and programs for them which will increase their performances and level of commitment by better configuring them with the objectives and aims of the organisation.

2.3     Conceptual Framework of the Research

Figure: Conceptual Framework of the Study
Source: Author

3         Methodology

3.1     Research design

The researcher will use the positivism philosophy for this research because this will enable the researcher to use structured methods which can make researcher able to use more scientific and established knowledge. The researcher will use the descriptive research design for this research because the analysis will be conducted by using the characteristics of the population. Therefore, the researcher will use only the established knowledge and theory rather not using any assumptions and hypothetical data or information for this research. The deductive research approach is the best approach for this research and the researcher will use this approach to conduct this research according to Sanders et al. (2007). Quantitative, qualitative data and information will be used as a research method for this research because the researcher wants to get measurable data and qualitative data for this research which will enable to the researcher to compare and interpret the findings. The primary data will be used which will be collected by using the primary data sources. The survey method will be used for this research to collect the primary data where the researcher will collect responses by using structured questionnaire from the selected respondents. on the other hand, the cross-sectional method will be used as there will be no repetition of the research in future on the same topic. Also researcher need some secondary data as well.

Figure: Research Onion
Source: Sanders et al (2017)

3.2     Sampling and data collection

This research will be prepared by collecting sample using the non-probability sampling method because it is not possible to give equal chance every member of the population to be selected as respondent. Besides, every member of the population is not qualified and informed enough to be an ideal respondent. So, the research will use the judgmental sampling method of non-probability sampling where the researcher will collect 20 respondents who are the employees of Samsung via face to face interview, personal emails and personal experiment in Samsung stores. Besides, the researcher will collect 15 employees and 5 managerial level employees to get the required information to conduct the research. The researcher will collect some secondary data from books such as PMBOK, blogs, journals, pervious research and case studies also online information about TQM system in Samsung company.

3.3     Research ethics

The researcher is fully determined to concur all the ethical values of this research where the researcher has aimed to not take any unfair means to conduct this research. Moreover, the researcher is not forcing anyone to be selected as respondent and will not disclose any of the information of the respondents to other parties. Therefore, the researcher will not distort any information and will not use the information on the respondents for any other purpose other than this research.

4         Research plan

The research will conduct this research by collecting information from the respondents who will be collected according to the selected methods. Later, the researcher will use the SPSS to conduct the analysis part where the researcher will show the mean, median, mode, factor analysis, correlation, and regression analysis to find the effectiveness of the total quality management on creating good working environment on the basis of Samsung by using the selected variables which are identified in the literature review part.

5         Resource and Logistics

6         Timetable of the research

The time-frame of the research is given in Gantt-chart format in below:


  • Bahri, S. (2012). Implementation of Total Quality Management and Its Effect on Organizational Performance of Manufacturing Industries Through Organizational Culture in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 5(1), pp.10-24.
  • Bakotić, D. and Rogošić, A. (2015). Employee involvement as a key determinant of core quality management practices. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, pp.1-18.
  • Hur, M. (2009). The influence of total quality management practices on the transformation of how organisations work. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 20(8), pp.847-861.
  • Jaca, C. and Psomas, E. (2015). Total quality management practices and performance outcomes in Spanish service companies. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 26(9-10), pp.958-970.
  • Murgatroyd, S. and Morgan, C. (1993). Total quality management and the school. Buckingham [England]: Open University Press.
  • Naidu, N., Babu, K. and Rajendra, G. (2006). Total quality management. New Delhi: New Age International.
  • Teoman, S. and Ulengin, F. (2017). The impact of management leadership on quality performance throughout a

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